Executive Team and Departments


The State Library is currently led by the Director General, the Permanent Deputy and 15 heads of department. The experienced managers are responsible for the results of their departments and work together on the strategy and operational culture of the library.

Dr. Achim Bonte, Director General

Director General

Prof. Dr. Achim Bonte

Permanent Deputy of the Director General

Reinhard Altenhöner

Dr. Cordula Franzke, Preservation and Digitization, head of department

Preservation and Digitization

Dr. Cordula Franzke

Head of department Information and Data Management, Dr. Holger Busse

Information and Data Management

Dr. Holger Busse

Wolfgang Crom, Maps


Wolfgang Crom

Dr. Martina Rebmann, Music


Dr. Martina Rebmann

Christoph Rauch, Orient


Christoph Rauch