- Accessibility
- Association of the Friends of the Staatsbibliothek (German only)
- Alter Realkatalog (ARK) - Online (German only)
- Annual Reports (German only)
- Autograph Database (Kalliope)
- Bach Autographs (German only)
- Bank Account Details
- Beethoven Digital (German only)
- Bestowments
- Bibliocopy (German only)
- Bibliographic Services
- Bibliographie der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin für die Berichtszeit 2001 - 2002 (German only)
- Bibliotheksmagazin - Mitteilungen aus den Staatsbibliotheken Berlin und München (German only)
- Bilderbögen (German only)
- Blog Network
- Blue Loan Service
- Book Binding Research (German only)
- Book Donation
- Book Return
- Book Sponsorships, Buchpatenschaften (German only)
- Book Suggestion
- bpk-Bildagentur (Image bank of cultural institutions)
- Café
- Card Image Catalogues (IPAC)
- Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Society, Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesellschaft (German only)
- Carrels
- Carts for Study Desk (lockable) see StabiBox
- Catalogue Search
- Catalogues
- Changing tables
- Charges for Library Use
- Children’s and Young People’s Literature Department
- Children’s Literature (German only)
- Chinese Catalogue
- Cloakroom
- Collection Building and Meta Data
- Collection Profile (German only)
- Conditions of use (German only)
- Construction projects (German only)
- Contact
- Copy
- Corporate Library Card for Institutions
- Crossasia
- Database and Internet Workstations
- Databases
- Database of Bookbindings (EBDB)
- Database of Manuscripts, Manuscripta Mediaevalia (German only)
- Database of Old Maps
- DBIS - Database Information System
- Delivery decrees for official publications
- Departments
- Depot
- Digitization Projects
- Digitization Service
- Directions
- Donations
- E.T.A. Hoffmann-Archive (German only)
- E.T.A. Hoffmann-Portal (German only)
- Early Printed Books (German only)
- East Asia Department
- Eastern Europe Department
- E-Day (German only)
- Educational Training for FAMI (German only)
- Eduroam
- Electronic Journals
- Electronic Resources
- Entrances Haus Potsdamer Straße
- Erfurt Bible, Restoration (German only)
- Europeana Collections 1914-1919 (German only)
- Events, Exhibitions
- Legal entities, registration
- Lending Quota
- Lending Quota Increase
- Library Account
- Library Book Stamps
- Library Card
- Library Card Renewal
- Library Introductions (German only)
- Library Museum (Stabi Kulturwerk)
- Library Shop
- Linking Service
- Link-SBB
- List of Charges
- Literary estates (Department Manuscripts and Early Printed Books)
- Literary estates (music department)
- Loan Period
- Loan Period Renewal (online)
- Loan Period Renewal, Informations
- Loan Period Renewal (Library Account)
- Loan Requests for Exhibitions
- Location map
- Lockers, day use
- Lockers, permanent see StabiBox
- Lost and Found
- Lost Item Declaration
- Manuscripts and Early Printed Books (German only)
- Manuscripta Germanica of the Staatsbibliothek, Inventory (German only)
- Manuscripta Mediaevalia
- Manuscripta Theologica Latina in Octavo der Staatsbibiothek, Describing Catalogues (German only)
- Map Department
- Medieval Manuscripts in French of the Staatsbibliothek, Cataloguing (German only)
- Medieval Manuscripts of the Signature Group B of the University and State Library Düsseldorf, Cataloguing (German only)
- Mendelssohn Archive
- Mendelssohngesellschaft (German only)
- Messenger
- Mission Statement (German only)
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Die Zauberflöte, KV 620 (Partiturautograph)
- Museum (Stabi Kulturwerk)
- Music Department
- Parliamentary Papers
- Password
- Payments of Charges
- Potsdamer Straße 33 (Site)
- Praxissemester für Fachhochschul-Studierende des Bibliothekswesens (German only)
- Preservation and Digitization (German only)
- Press Images (German Only)
- Press Releases (German only)
- Preußische Rechtsquellen Digital (German only)
- Printing (German only)
- Privacy Policy
- Professional Training IT-Specialist (German only)
- Projects
- Provenance Research
- Prussia 17 Digitization
- Public Holidays
- Public Relations (German only)
- Publications
- Rare Books Reading Room
- Reader Services Department
- Reading Room, Haus Unter den Linden (German only)
- Reading Rooms
- Reference Collection, General Reading Room Haus Potsdamer Straße
- Reference Collection, General Reading Room Haus Unter den Linden
- Reference Management Software (Zotero, Citavi ... German only)
- Registration
- Remote Access
- Renewal (Loan Periods)
- Renewal (rebooking form for loans)
- Renewal (Library Card)
- Repository ²Dok for for international and interdisciplinary Legal Research (German only)
- Reprint, Loan requests for
- Reproduction Orders
- Research Grants
- Reservations
- Restoration (German only)
- Retrospective Conversion
- Room for video conferences
- Room Information (Orientation on our sites)
- Room Rental
- Sales booth
- Sammlung Deutscher Drucke (German only)
- SBB aktuell - Blog-Netzwerk für Forschung und Kultur (German only)
- Scale of Charges (German only)
- Scanning
- Schriftliches Kulturgut, Allianz (German only)
- Scientific disciplines (subject information A - Z in German only)
- Short-Title Catalogue of Books printed in the 16th Century (ST 16) in the Collection of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
- Sigel
- Sites
- Slavonic Studies
- StabiBooking
- StabiBoxes (Permanent Locker and Study Carts)