Our card image catalogues offer you a modern and - where ever you are - online search of the major part of our collections. For that purpose more than 1 million catalogue cards of our three most extensive card catalogues have been scanned. Easily via Internet you can obtain information on music scores, CDs, books, and journals. You may also place an online request for items which willl be delivered into the music reading room.
The following catalogues are available as card image catalogues:
- Catalogue of music books and scores I
(Books and journals until 1984 [year of acquisition], music scores and songbooks until 1989)
- Catalogue of music books and scores II
(Books until 1984 [year of acquisition], music scores until 1989, journals until 1997)
Catalogue of sound carriers(CDs and other sound carriers acquired in the period from 1991 to 2002)