Descriptive catalogue of the Manuscripta latina in folio 243-373
Project object
From 1 September 2014 to 15 April 2019, 130 manuscripts of the Berlin series 'Manuscripta latina in folio' were catalogued according to modern cataloguing principles with DFG third-party funding. The segment Mss. lat. fol. 243-373 (the difference in count is due to the Ms. lat. fol. 365, which has since been transferred to Maastricht) is a group of holdings acquired between 1828 and 1853, which follows on from the descriptions in Valentin Rose's three-volume catalogue of 1901/05.
Project term
2013 - 2019
Project participant(s)
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Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Dr. Jürgen Geiß-Wunderlich
Manuscripts and Early Printed Books
Phone: +49 30 266 435 061
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Read more about the project
- SBB-Blog: zu den Signaturen: Ms. lat. fol. 327; 328,1–2; 328,3; 328,4–5; 328,6–7; 341 (German only)
Detailed project description in the Handschriftenportal (manuscript portal) (German only)