bpk - Further development as central image portal
Project object
Expansion of the bpk -Bildagentur to become the central public media provider of German cultural institutions with an online shop and other services.
Professional picture users who need images for publication purposes or product design can conveniently research high-quality digitized reproductions of art works from over 200 participating museums, libraries and archives in this online-shop, download them as well as obtain permissions of use and other services for a fee.
Project term
March 2017 - July 2021
Project participant
Picturemaxx AG, München
Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM)
Karen Tieth
Head of bpk-Bildagentur
phone: +49 30 266 436 701
bpk - Bildagentur
Read more about the project
Grütters (BMK) fördert Ausbau der Bildagentur der SPK
Webseite der bpk-Bildagentur