FID Asien - CrossAsia
Project object
In the third project phase (2022-2024), work will focus not only on the supply of information, but also on the further development and operation of user-oriented search and access systems, as well as on the consolidation of the FID Asien as a service infrastructure for the German Asia-related sciences. In addition, FID4SA offers and operates central services via the CrossAsia platform. The FID Asien will be able to open itself more strongly than before to various national and international cooperation partners. Together with the other FIDs anchored in the region, in particular FID4SA (UB Heidelberg), FID Nahost ( ULB Sachsen-Anhalt) and FID Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa (BSB München), the SBB will continue to pursue the close exchange initiated by it in 2020 with the aim of establishing a reliable FID network Asia.
Project term
Jan 2022 - Dec 2024 (Third funding phase)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Matthias Kaun
East Asia
Head of department
phone: +49 30 266 436 000