Zentralantiquariat der DDR: Distribution channels. Recipients. Provenance
Project object
Aim of the basic research project is to reconstruct the sales practices and distribution channels of the 1959 founded Zentralantiquariat (central antiquarian bookshop, ZA), to identify copies sold by the ZA and potential receiving libraries within and beyond the borders of the former GDR and to contextualise the determined (maybe ZA typical) provenance within known channels and waves of bibliomigration throughout the decades. The research results will be documented sustainably for scientific and public purposes within the Digitalisierte Sammlungen (digitalised collections) of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Project term
November 2022 - December 2024
Project participant(s)
Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste
Michaela Scheibe
Manuscripts and Early Printed Books
Deputy head of department
phone: +49 30 266 436 551
Dr. Petra-Regine Dehnel
Manuscripts and Early Printed Books
Research associate
phone: +49 30 266 436 659
Iris Schultz
Manuscripts and Early Printed Books
Research associate
phone: +49 30 266 436 685
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Projects of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin on Provenance research
Provenance research at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin