Children's and Young People's Books

Reading Room
In the reading room for manuscripts and children's and young people's literature you will find all the major reference works pertaining to children's literature studies, plus the latest issues of the respective scholarly journals.
There are assigned desks with some special equipment reserved for anyone viewing very valuable and often fragile items, such as rare books, pictorial broadsheets or original artwork.
In addition, you have direct access to over 6,500 volumes of secondary literature in our former reading room, which is almost adjacent on the second floor.
Opening Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 am - 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday 9 am - 7 pm
Duplication Services
There are three options for you to get copies of material in our collection in a book-friendly way:
- you take photographs (without flashlight or tripod),
- you make use of the book scanner in our reading room,
- you request a (fee-based) digital reproduction.
Please check our information sheet for further detail, or go to the State Library's webpage Imaging and Duplication services for more information on requesting fee-based scans.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
As part of the Berlin State Library‘s collection its children’s and adolescents’ books are available through national and international ILL. Orders may be placed by filling out conventional paper forms or by using the GBV Common Library Network’s online ILL option.