East Asia


National Licence

With Chinamaxx data base, the East Asia Department provides access to 700,000 digitised Chinese books from all subject areas published between 1900 and 2008.

The provision of Chinamaxx was financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the framework of DFG-Nationallizenzen.
Producer of both the data base and the full-texts is the Chinese company SSReaders.

You may search title, author, ISBN etc., as well as undertake a full-text search with Duxiu. Books are presentend in different formats for reading: an internal format of the SSReaders company and as pdf (no full-text pdf).
Data base encoding is GB-2312.

All available 700,000 titles are searchable in the OPAC of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

If you should have further questions regarding technical requirements, please don't hesitate to contact the SSG-National Licenses.