East Asia

Recent Acquisitions

On this page you can find, for your information, titles that the East Asia Department has recently acquired. Regarding East and Central Asia, you will find titles in Western languages. As for Southeast Asia, you will find new acquisitions in the Southeast Asian and Western languages.

The titles are categorised according to countries, regions, topics etc. and cover six months' periods each.

An archive function is installed and will eventually contain titles predating the respective present year.

Country | Region | Theme Half-year Half-year

Central Asia (multi-country)

1-2024 2-2024
Mongolia 1-2024 2-2024
Tibetan region 1-2024 2-2024
Uyghur region 1-2024 2-2024

East Asia (multi-country)

1-2024 2-2024
China, Hongkong and Macao 1-2024 2-2024
Japan 1-2024 2-2024
Korea 1-2024 2-2024
Taiwan 1-2024 2-2024

Southeast Asia (multi-country)

1-2024 2-2024
Brunei 1-2024 2-2024
Cambodia 1-2024 2-2024
Indonesia 1-2024 2-2024
Laos 1-2024 2-2024
Malaysia 1-2024 2-2024
Myanmar 1-2024 2-2024
Philippines, the 1-2024 2-2024
Singapore 1-2024 2-2024
Thailand 1-2024 2-2024
Timor-Leste 1-2024 2-2024
Vietnam 1-2024 2-2024

Pacific-Region, Oceania, Indigenous People of Australia and New-Zealand

1-2024 2-2024


Buddhism 1-2024 2-2024