Directories of prints published in the German-speaking world
Project object
These cooperative long-term projects aim to catalog the respective books on the highest national level as well as to digitize them. The SBB takes part in several projects in the VD 16, VD 17 and VD 18 and also partners tandem projects for external collections. As one of VD 17's provider libraries, the SBB significantly develops these national databases.
Project term
VD 16: since 1989 -
VD 17: since 1996 -
VD 18: since 2009 -
Project participant(s)
- Libraries worldwide
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in project parts
Michaela Scheibe
Manuscripts and Early Printed Books
Head of department, deputy
Phone: +49 30 266 436 600
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Read more about the project
VD 16, VD 16 digital, VD 17, VD 18 - Websites of the department of Early Printed Books