Reader Services

The Reader Services Department is the link between the library and its customers. The staff members are responsible for the continuous expansion and management of the general holdings as well as for providing materials in the reading rooms at the locations Unter den Linden and Potsdamer Straße. The Reader Services Department organizes all on site lending activities and also coordinates interlibrary loans with libraries all over the world. Amongst various other tasks, the department also creates content-related design and organizes the supervision of the information points both in the buildings and the virtual locations on the web. Training courses and target group-oriented information events complement the offered services.

Head of Section
Dr. Christina Schmitz
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 173

The Reader Services Section brings together electronic and conventional services in the areas of user information and communication. The department carries the overall responsibility for the coordination and further development of the feedback management and electronic information system. Additional tasks include optimising research services and providing support for the concept of Digitisation on Demand. The Reader Services Section is divided into two subject areas:

Subject area E-Services and Communication
Angela Oehler
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 520

This is where the range of functions of electronic user services and user communication are located. In addition to conventional user communication on all available channels, the development and expansion of the electronic service offering, the concept of user surveys to determine user needs and the extension and redesign of general training course offerings in both electronic and conventional form relating to the library and its services are part of this area of activity.

Subject area Information
Saskia Kussin
Tel.: +49 30 266 432 939

The subject area Information is devoted to the provision of written and oral information. Organising the information points in the entrance areas, in the general reading rooms of the two buildings as well as in the newspaper reading room and the library’s telephone service across both buildings is at the centre of this area of activity. Staff members from the subject area as well as from other departments and sections of the library are involved in all of these information centres. For this reason the focus of the content-related design of the work in the information centres is on consistent knowledge management in order to guarantee the quality of information provision at a high level.

Head of Section
Heinz-Jürgen Bove (acting)
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 141
The Reference and Research Services Section comprises the Scientific Specialist Departments and the subject area FID Recht.

Scientific Specialist Departments
Heinz-Jürgen Bove (acting)
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 141
The Scientific Specialist Departments are responsible for the collection building with regard to contents, digital and analogue specialist information and subject indexing as well as for the open-access holdings in the general reading rooms. In addition they supervise the overall offerings of the Knowledge Lab, i.e. scientific events, workshops and workshop talks. Furthermore, a key task of the subject specialists in the Reference and Research Services Section is the supervision of numerous projects and cross-sectional tasks. These include, among other things, presiding over digitisation projects and other IT-supported projects (including projects in FID Recht; Project Library Management; ETA Hoffmann Portal; Curation Project DDR Press), being in charge of training for the area of library traineeship and the SBB-internal coordination of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz’s scholarship programme.

Subject area FID Recht
Ivo Vogel
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 210

The subject area FID Recht (short for: “Fachinformationsdienst für internationale und interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung” (Specialised Information Service for International and Interdisciplinary Legal Research)) replaces the Special Law Collection, which was located in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin until 2013. In the national system of Specialised Information Services for Science, it has the function of supporting legal research activities in universities and other non-university institutions in Germany with demand-driven information services. In addition to the demand-driven expansion of the holdings towards the current literary requirements of the researchers, modular service offerings are being set up in the first project phase (2014 to 2017), all of which can be accessed via the Portal intRecht (Virtual Law Library). These include establishing a direct interlibrary loan service, profiling the Portal intRecht as a service portal, setting up a Specialist Open-Access Legal Repository (<intR>²Dok) and the appropriate digitisation of public domain legal publications (<intR>²DoD).

Head of Section
Dr. Julia Maas (acting)
+49 30 266 433 500

Subject area Reading Room Unter den Linden
Bianca Henn-Hoffmann
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 910

Subject area Reading Room Potsdamer Straße
Bianca Henn-Hoffmann (temp.)
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 910

The processing, administration and management of the reading room collections are carried out in these subject areas. Information about the reading room collections is given verbally and by telephone within the general information points. Other tasks of this department include the maintenance of the reading rooms’ classification scheme and – in cooperation with the subject specialists- further development of the reference collections and their presentation. The electronic reading room media, whose integration into the reading rooms’ holdings is an important element of the tasks, is of continuously increasing importance.

Head of Section
Indra Heinrich (acting)
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 133

The lending sections of both houses as well as the Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Section have been consolidated into the Circulation Services Section.

Subject area Lending Desk Unter den Linden
Tatjana von Schoenaich-Carolath (acting)
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 836

Subject area Lending Desk Potsdamer Straße
Doreen Wenzel
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 790

The subject areas Lending Desk Unter den Linden and Lending Desk Potsdamer Straße are responsible both for the authorisation of users and the provision of literature as well as for lending in the libraries’ reading rooms, also lending books for offsite use and all activities related to these. In addition both subject areas handle different special tasks in the area of reminders and research and information services, among other things.

Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services
Indra Heinrich
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 133

The Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services include interlibrary borrowings for local users, interlibrary loans requested from other national and international libraries and document delivery via the direct delivery service Subito.

Clearing agency
Ulrike Prellwitz
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 850

The subject area Clearing agency records new entries and the existing holdings of the Staatsbibliothek for the lending system.

Head of Section
Bernd Binner
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 800

The Section for Collection Management comprises the stacks at their different locations and the media compilation of the holdings. The work of this department is characterised by the logistic challenges due to necessary relocations of the holdings due to building work and the complex indexing of the configuration of the book numbers which has evolved over the centuries.

Subject area Stack Unter den Linden
Sylvia Berger (acting)
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 873

The subject area stack Haus Unter den Linden supervises the largest part of our historic old stock in the stack there.

Subject area Stack Potsdamer Straße
Simone Haupt
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 747

Most of the monographs and the holdings of the Eastern Europe and Oriental Department are administered by the subject area stack Haus Potsdamer Straße.

Subject area Stack Friedrichshagen
Anja Trautmann
Tel.: +49 30 266 433 618

Periodicals and monographic series as well as the holdings of the East Asia Department are stored and made available for use in the external stack Friedrichshagen.

Inclusion Office

Belinda Jopp
+49 30 266 433 300

The goal of this position is to make the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin as accessible as possible for individuals with diverse needs and backgrounds. This includes the library's buildings, (electronic) offerings and services. Rather than focusing on predefined target groups, the emphasis is on individual needs and desires. Fulfilling these requirements enables individuals to independently work and conduct research on-site or with electronic resources, as well as move freely and unhindered in the library buildings and have a pleasant research environment. Improvements and innovations introduced in this context benefit everyone, thus enhancing the library's overall quality and usability for all.

Specific areas of focus include, among others:

  • Accessibility of buildings
  • Accessible web offerings
  • Inclusive events or events on inclusive topics
  • Special service offerings for individuals with disabilities
  • Raising awareness among staff (and users) about inclusion
  • Consultation services for users
  • Collaboration and cooperation with associations and other organizations